Amazon Library
Take advantage of this member-only Amazon library to help your small-business stay informed and competitive with Amazon.
Amazon Data Feed
On a weekly basis, NOPA will provide an analysis of current Amazon pricing for the top moving SKU's. The top moving SKU’s are dynamically updated monthly based on the activity of over 400 independent dealers currently using our website. This data is downloadable from the NOPA website and is not temporary or a promotion. Powered by OPSoftware, LLC.
News Articles
Stay up to date with Amazon industry-related news. View the most relevant breaking news re-printed on our website for your convenience. These articles are also frequently posted in our monthly Newsletter which is complimentary for all NOPA members.
Training Guides
While Amazon continues to grow and become a threat to independent dealers, there are still ways that your small business can compete. These resources will provide relevant data and information and will serve as a guide on the steps you can take to protect yourself and your small business.
Legislative Resources
NOPA members have been pushing for fair and open competition at the federal, state and local government levels and encouraging officials to abandon so-called "strategic” sole-source contracting as their primary purchasing strategy. These resources will help keep you up to date with how NOPA is fighting back against Amazon to make the voices of independent dealers heard.